How much is time is enough time for wedding prep photos?

If you have two photographers, forty minutes before the bride gets into her dress is ideal. That gives your photographer some time to capture your details, like the dress, shoes, jewelry, invitations, etc, while the second photographer is taking candid shots of the groom and his groomsmen. The timing also allows for the bride to be halfway done through her makeup and hair for some getting ready photographs as well.

Some things to consider:

1. Communicate with your photographer if you will not be getting ready at the venue

2. And if your groom will be getting ready at a separate location as well

3. Lots of natural light makes for flawless getting ready photos, so if you have windows, let that sun shine in!

4. If you dare to push the limits, get your bridesmaids outdoors and finish getting dressed in the beautiful landscape, especially if you have a dark, tungsten lit room.

5. Make sure the room you are getting ready in is clutter free. This helps save time from moving items around



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