I love love love Valentine’s day! Aside from it being a commercialized holiday, I still love what the day represents, so any day to show and celebrate some love, I’m all in. This time last year, Raul and I sat on his apartment floor, shared a bottle of wine and some leftover dessert my sister […]
At the beginning of this week, I sat in a room full of guest watching a slideshow of memories. At the end of the evening, I thought what a wonderful life that person lived. I thought it was a great example of the life we should lead- happy, engaging, loving, learning, reading, and celebrating. Let’s […]
Every year, this is the one meal I look forward to. This year we’re having corn chowder, mash potatoes, green beans, corn bread, pies, and obvs turkey. Our table is set for eight and the cooking begins tonight! Today I’m most thankful for my sister taking the lead in the kitchen. Lord knows the only […]
Dear Mom, On this day, Caro and I told you we were taking you to Thunder Down Under. We kept teasing you everyday that lead to this day. You were upset and annoyed that we kept pointing out the billboard on the Las Vegas strip. Finally, the day was here; we sat in the pitch […]
Don't know how to pose? Or what to do with your hands? Do you look at the camera or act casual? Here's the guide to make you feel at ease and get photos that feel like you.